Goal. Ensure equality of all genders and gender-sensitive approaches in all areas of life of young  people. 

Youth and women in particular, face structural discrimination due to the patriarchal nature of most societies.  Youth are often amongst the most marginalized, vulnerable and live in rural/remote or in urban areas, or  precarious human settlements. In Kenya, there is notable progress towards realisation of gender equality.  However, more needs to done to break the bias that impedes women from realising their potential.  

Slum and informal settlement communities are still faced with gender equality challenges. This is derailing  the physical, economic and livelihood developments. Resistance to these patriarchal practices and gender  inequalities exposes the individuals to serious emotional and physical abuse, neglect, divorce and even loss  of lives. Further, societal perception of women as second-class citizens has deprived them of their asset  ownership rights, education, projects developers at household level and inheritance rights of their family  assets. The perpetrators of gender-based violence mostly go scot free which encourages these practices  within the slum communities. Kutoka Network is committed to find solutions aimed at addressing these  barriers.