Goal: To promote inclusive and participatory governance, peace and social cohesion.
In the self-organized settlements residents are highly affected by poor service-delivery in the areas of health, waste management, education, and water & sanitation services. This is mostly caused by lack of accountability by the duty-bearers and service providers despite the promulgation of the Constitution 2020 which provides citizen participation and devolved governance. There is unequal distribution of resources in the urban poor communities.
To attain a peaceful and just society, the citizens in informal settlements need to be knowledgeable and have requisite skills and commitment to nation building. They also need to have strengthened values and principles which are essential in building a foundation for democratic governance.
Other issues affecting these communities is inadequate information on governance and leadership due to lack of comprehensive and consistent civic education. Corruption and poverty has also made residents of the slums and informal settlements not to access the right to decent housing, health, land tenure, education, water & sanitation. Residents in self-organized settlements are susceptible to being recruited into illegal gangs to stir conflicts and cause violence leading into loss of life and property, gender-based violence, and displacements.
Realization of peace and social justice in informal settlements within the urban setting is one of the Kutoka Network commitments. To achieve this milestone, the Network shall work towards breaking barriers for social mobility; creation of safety nets; defend human rights; and ensure economic justice for the residents of slums and informal settlements. Kutoka will lobby and monitor relevant institutions to ensure social protection mechanisms are in place to cushion the vulnerable citizens, as well as lobby for favorable taxation, social insurance, provision of subsidizes and cash transfer for these vulnerable communities. The target communities need quality healthcare, education, and public service. Every citizen should also access favorable conditions for wealth creation and equal opportunity for all.